Monday, May 16, 2011

Everything Clicks

Do you ever have those days where you feel like everything goes right?  You have plenty of energy, are a multi-tasking maniac and have FUN the entire day.  A real "Midas Day" when everything you touch seems to turn into gold.  It just clicks.  I had one of those days today.  Here is a rundown of the feel good moments of my day:

1) Pleasant patients all morning at work.

2) Running into one of my best friends at the store.  She wasn't having a great day but seeing her and her two little ones made me smile.  

3) Smiling children and a clean house when I got home from work.

4)  40 minutes of quality cuddle time with the girls.  We cuddled on  the couch, on the kitchen floor, on the laundry room floor . . . the girls just followed me around as I decompressed from work and got little tasks done.  Every finished task was capped off with a cuddle! 

5) Roller skating and tricycle riding in the garage.  Genna was fumbling around on her Tinkerbell roller skates complete with knee pads and helmet.  She had a blast trying to skate on her own and then trying to keep her feet under her while I pulled her around.  Emily is finally able to push her self on the tricycle (no pedals yet).  She wasn't content to stay in the smooth, level and safe garage and decided to push herself onto the sloped gravel driveway - and directly into my car.  She thought it was great fun and tried again as soon as I rescued her.

6) Pruning our hibiscus and gardenias in front of the house while the girls followed with the watering can.  I am going to control our garden this time!

7) Watering the fresh pruned plants with the hose while the girls watered themselves at the leaking hose bib.

8) Making banana muffins with my 2 sous chefs.  The most amazing part is that Genna and Emily took turns the entire time without my having to say a word (including tasting the batter).

9) Dancing to Michael Buble while making dinner.  It went something like this:
Emily shouts "Watch!" as she rapidly stomps her feet while making a circle around Genna.
This is followed by Genna shouting "Watch!" as she twirls, kicks, sways, etc in her wonderful mix of ballet and tap.  Every once in a while it was Mommy's turn to leap and turn in my funny (and I like to imagine graceful) imitation of a dance.  This lasted for 5 songs!  Why did my video camera have to be out of battery?!?!

Today was a good day.  Everything clicked.  Nothing momentous happened nor was I able to cross anything major off of my  to-do list but it was full of smiles and moments that I want to remember for a long, long time.  I'm sharing two of those memories with you.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Those days are awesome! I love when the starts align. I find that when I'm in a good mood, they align more often. I love those pics of the girls baking with you; adorable!